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Entry CC is a simple fan-made format for Flesh and Blood TCG, established in the local FaB community in Warsaw. It follows all the rules of Classic Constructed, the game's most popular format, with this additional card-pool construction limitation:

Reasons to play Entry CC (and convince your LGS / playgroup to give it a try):

How to build a legal deck

  1. Make sure you have an account and are generally familiar with FaBrary. Additionally, go to your profile settings > Preferences > Buying cards, and set Currency to $ (USD) and Singles shop to TCGPlayer.
  2. Start building your deck. If you're expanding an Armory Deck, you can clone a decklist from here with the icon.
  3. You can see the budget of your deck by going to the Pricing tab and looking at the Total at the bottom of the Cheapest printing side of the table. As long as this value displays $50 ($10) or less, you're good to go! Ignore the value displayed in the upper right corner, as this tries to account for shipping costs and rounds up the price to a less controllable value.
  4. Verifying the budget is straightforward when building from scratch, but more involved if expanding an Armory Deck. There are a few mildly annoying, but workable ways to go about it:
    • Move all the Armory Deck cards to the Maybe section - these won't be counted towards the displayed price.
    • Create a separate "deck" that only contains the extras from outside the Armory Deck, and check their price that way.
    • Sum up the prices of the extras listed in the Pricing tab manually.
    ✳ I'm currently working on a browser extension that will factor in the Armory Deck cards as $40 for the lot and should make all this a lot smoother.
  5. In rare cases where a card doesn't have a listed price in the Pricing tab, go to TCGPlayer and check the Market Price, then manually calculate if you're still within the budget. This is an extra layer of hassle, but should only be an issue if you want to include some Armory Deck-exclusive cards while building a deck from scratch, because those are frequently out of stock as singles.
  6. We're just following an honor system, and it's expected that prices will fluctuate. To stay within the spirit of the rules, do a quick check that your decklist is within the budget on the evening before an Entry CC event, or whenever is reasonable for you.

The utility of your carefully tuned decklist as a community resource can't be overstated, so please put "$50" in your deck title on FaBrary and make the deck public whenever you're ready. Maybe also put this snippet in the deck notes:

Built within these rules:

Extra info about matchups, performance, general piloting tips, etc. can also help newbies a lot.


  1. Can I build a hero who attained LL status or include a banned card?
    No, Entry CC follows all CC rules, including the legality policy.
  2. Can I go the Armory Deck + $10 route, but use a different hero than who's in the Armory Deck (e.g. Riptide instead of Azalea)?
    Sure, go ahead.
  3. FaBrary doesn't count the price of the hero card, should I add it manually?
    Nah, to keep things simple, just ignore it.